Packaging Vacuum packing
Weight, kg ≈ 0,5
Storage Not more than -18˚С
Shelf life Not more than 6 months
Description Meat, cut from flank (internal oblique abdominal muscle) without film and tendons.

Flank steak is a relatively long and flat cut.  It consists of a well-defined “grain” of long muscle fibers.  These fibers must be broken down in order to make it tender, so it should always be cut into thin strips against the grain before eating.

Our butchers fully trim the surface fat and “silver skin” so it’s ready to cook right out of the package.

Flank steak can be grilled, pan-fried, broiled, or braised.  It takes marinades very well and holds great amounts of flavor.  As a result, it is used in a variety of dishes including London broil and as an alternative to traditional skirt steak in fajitas.